Field Trip Fun
Nancy Raia and her delightful group of volunteers treated elementary school students from Magnolia Springs to a wonderful day at the Eastern Shore Art Center. They also enjoyed a fun little side visit to the grounds of the Mosher Castle across the street from ESAC.
Liz Philbrick and Anne Smith led the tour of the castle and the grounds where the students were asked to sketch the bridge and then were also asked to sketch a bridge to their future careers.
Margaret Neely and Melinda Hicks led the tours through the galleries – viewing the Members Juried Art Show and helped the students write letters of support to a few of their favorite artists.
Once the students arrived in the studio, they were asked by Nancy to “think Di Vinci style”. The students were asked to find about 10 pieces of the “found objects with potential” donated by friends of ESAC and then create something useful. You will find one of the drawings in this newsletter.
Pictured above – Melinda Hicks, Margaret Neely
Group photo – Liz Philbrick, Sally Schmidt, Nancy Raia, Anne Smith and
Margaret Neely
Coming up Next: White Linen Night – ESAC’s Annual Fundraiser
Volunteers Needed!! There are volunteer opportunities available on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday May 17th – 19th.
For more information please contact Kayla Dean at
Volunteer Coordinators /
Front Desk – Margaret Neely
Gift Shop – Holly Parks
First Friday Art Walk / Special Events – Winky Dowdle
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