Advanced Painting: Oil and Acrylics


Title: Advanced Painting: Oil and Acrylics
Type of Class: Painting
Instructor: Chris Murray
Time: Thursdays, Noon to 3 pm
Dates: Jan 9 to Feb 27

Price: $200 (180 for ESAC Members*)

A $25 fee will be charged for all class refunds due to a withdrawal. Refunds will be given up to fourteen days prior to the FIRST DAY OF TERM CLASSES. Thereafter, no refunds will be given, unless the ESAC cancels the class.


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In this course, we will learn the tricks, tips, and techniques developed by the Old Masters to create realistic and vibrant paintings. We will explore color theory and mixing, painting light and value, composition, various applications of paint, best practices and proper use of materials, painting solvent-free, and important concepts of art history. We will paint from life and study the methods to create beautiful still lifes, landscapes, and portraits.


Skill Levels:

Oil – Beginner to Intermediate

Acrylics – Intermediate to Advanced


Oil Painting